Saving for the Future

Financially prepare for whatever happens

You’ll Be Ready for the Future

What does your future hold? Retirement? Travel? Kids? Whether saving for a dream or saving to protect against challenges like illness, it’s important to provide for your future. CUTX has several accounts you can dedicate to socking money away for a rainy day. Or a sunny one!

Smart Ways to Save

Certificates of Deposit: Higher Interest

Tuck money into a CD and roll it over when the term expires. You can watch your money grow—untouched and undisturbed—until you really need it in the future. Start with only $1,000. CUTX has competitive interest rates that rise the more you put away, and the longer you save it.

Money Markets Offer Flexibility

The future’s coming, but you might need to dip into that fund before you get there. Money Market Accounts allow access to your funds up to six times a month. And you get better interest earnings as your balance increases above certain tiers.

Start With a Savings Account

Building savings is a discipline that becomes a habit. When you see the money you’re earning for your future—earning it just by not spending it—you’ll get inspired. CUTX Savings Accounts pay interest after you deposit $100—except Kids’ Savings which pays interest even on a penny!

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